Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Yoga in the Moment

So life is full of moments right? Well the really great moments in yoga, for me, are when I make a discovery, either in my practice, or in my body, or in my understanding of my practice. For example, recently, I've come to the realization that the vinyasa transition from chaturanga dandasana through urdhva mukha svanasana to adho mukha svanasana is a lot smoother than I originally intended. To begin with, your legs must be lifted in upward-facing dog, so moving from chaturanga, one does not completely touch down - your stomach, hips, thighs never reach the ground, instead you transition pretty much in mid-air.

This allows for a smoother transition, and prevents you from overextending your back if you try to reach upward facing dog from the ground up. It also requires stronger core strength.

In terms of movement in my body, besides this new understanding, I've also gotten stronger, and my balance is improving, so vasisthasana has begun to enter my grasp.

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